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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-06-02 23:29:13  浏览:8200   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为维护本市陆海客运市场秩序,保障客运车船业主的正常经营和乘客依法应享有的经济利益,促进社会安定,特制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称客运车船主责任保险是指以客运车船业主的民事赔偿责任为保险对象的一种政策性保险。当被保险车船业主拥有的车船在客运经营过程中,因违章或过失发生事故,依法应对乘客承担赔偿责任时,由保险部门按本办法规定实施代位赔偿。

第三条 凡在本市行政区域内经营(含兼营,下同)陆海客运(含旅游,下同)的个体客运车船业主,均须按本办法的规定,办理客运车船主责任保险。

第四条 中国人民保险公司青岛市分公司(以下称市人保公司)具体试办客运车船主责任保险业务。

第五条 客运车船主责任保险每次投保的保险期限为1年,从每年1月1日起到当年12月31日止。投保的时限为每年12月20日前。

第六条 在保险有效期间,被保险车船业主拥有的车船在营运过程中,因违反《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》和《中华人民共和国水路运输管理条例》等规定或因过失发生交通事故,依法应对其乘客负有赔偿责任时,由市人保公司按照事故处理机关依法裁定赔偿项目或法院判决

第七条 客运车船主责任保险的投保标准按车船载客量分类缴纳保险费。具体标准为:7座以下的客运车辆,每座年暂定收取保险费200元;8座以上客运车辆,按乘座定员数,每座年暂定收取保险费50元。船艇乘座定员数在12座以下者,每座年暂定收取保险费100元;13

第八条 客运车船业主从事季节性营运的,第一年度应当按足年投保,在下一年度续保时,可凭主管机关的证明和有关单位,办理退还其足月部分保险费手续。

第九条 有下列情形之一的,市人保公司不承担代位赔偿责任:

第十条 被保险车船业主必须严格执行国家有关法律法规,按营运的技术规范要求保养维修车船,保证其处于适运状态。

第十一条 发生保险事件,被保险车船业主或其法定继承人须于3日内,向市人保公司报告,并协助事故处理机关和人保公司做好事故的抢救处理和必要的举证工作。

第十二条 被保险客运车船业主的保险车船发生交通事故,应当在裁定或判决终结后的一个月内持以下单证向市人保公司申请办理赔偿手续:

第十三条 被保险客运车船业主因车船过户、损毁等原因停止营运时,可凭主管机关出具的证明,连同有关单证到市人保公司办理退保手续。

第十四条 市人保公司应当在被保险客运车船业主按规定提交赔偿申请及有关单证之日起10日内办妥赔偿手续。

第十五条 被保险客运车船业主在保险有效期内发生100万元以上赔偿,确实无办承担自己应负的10%赔偿费时,经市人保公司审查同意,可适当减免1%至5%的赔偿费用。其减免的部分,由人保公司代位赔偿。

第十六条 客运车船业主无正当理由延误报告及在事故裁定或判决终结30日内未申请办理赔偿手续的,即认定为自动放弃投保权益,市人保公司有权不予承担代位赔偿责任。

第十七条 客运车船业主办理车船年检时,应当出具客运车船主责任保险单。未出具车船责任保险单的,车船年检主管部门不予办理年检手续。

第十八条 依法承担民事责任的车船客运企业,可依照本办法,自愿参加本保险。

第十九条 本保险所筹资金按专项资金管理,实行单独核算,连年结转使用,不得挪作他用。

第二十条 本办法自1995年1月1日起施行。原有应保客运车船业主须于1995年1月份内办妥投保手续。

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第一条 为了准确、及时、全面地集中全国的外债信息,有效地控制对外借款规模,提高利用国外资金的效益,促进国民经济的发展,特制定本规定。
第二条 国家对外债实行登记管理制度。
第三条 本规定所称的外债是指中国境内的机关、团体、企业、事业单位、金融机构或者其他机构(以下统称借款单位)对中国境外的国际金融组织、外国政府、金融机构、企业或者其他机构用外国贷币承担的具有契约性偿还义务的全部债务,包括:
第四条 外债登记分为逐笔登记和定期登记。
第五条 中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业的对外借款,借款单位应当在正式签订借款合同后15天内,持借款合同副本向所在地外汇管理局办理登记手续并领取逐笔登记的《外债登记证》。
第六条 借款单位调入国外借款时,凭《外债登记证》在中国银行或者经国家外汇管理局批准的其他银行(以下简称银行)开立外债专用现汇帐户。经批准将借款存放境外的借款单位以及其他非调入形式的外债的借款单位,凭《外债登记证》在银行开立还本付息外债专用现汇帐户。
第七条 实行逐笔登记的借款单位还本付息时,开户银行应当凭借款单位提供的外汇管理局的核准证件和《外债登记证》,通过外债专用现汇帐户或者还本付息外债专用现汇帐户办理收付。借款单位应当按照银行的收付凭证,将收付款项记入《外债变动反馈表》并将该表的副本报送签发《外债登记证》的外汇管理局。
第八条 借款单位全部偿清《外债登记证》所载明的外债后,银行应即注销其外债专用现汇帐户或者还本付息外债专用现汇帐户,借款单位应当在15天内向发证的外汇管理局缴销《外债登记证》。
第九条 凡违反本规定有下列行为之一的,所在地外汇管理局可根据情节处以最高不超过所涉及外债金额3%的罚款:
第十条 本规定由国家外汇管理局负责解释。
第十一条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

Provisional Regulations for Statistics and Supervision of ExternalDebt

(Approved by the State Council on June 17, 1987 Promulgated by theState Administration of Exchange Control on August 27, 1987)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Provisional regulations are formulated to enable up- to-date
information on the country's external debt to be collected exactly and
completely so as to control the size of external borrowing effectively,
raise the efficacy of using foreign funds and promote national economic
Article 2
The country pursues the policy of managing external debt by
registration. The State Administration of Exchange Control (SAEC) is in
charge of establishing and perfecting the system of statistics on and
supervision over the external debt of the country and publishing figures
on the external debt.
Article 3
External debt herein mentioned refers to all the debts which are
guaranteed by repayment contracts in foreign currency and are borrowed
from international financial institutions, foreign governments, financial
institutions, enterprises or other institutions located outside the
People's Republic of China by State enterprises, government establishment,
financial institutions or other institutions (borrowing units) in the
People's Republic of China. It includes the following:
A. International financial institution loans.
B. Foreign government loans.
C. Foreign bank and financial institution loans.
D. Buyer's credits.
E. Foreign enterprise loans.
F. Securities issued in foreign currency.
G. International financial leases.
H. Deferred payments.
I. Debts repaid directly in foreign cash in compensation trade.
J. External debt in other forms.
Funds borrowed in foreign currency by borrowing units from banks with
foreign capital and Chinese and foreign joint banks which are registered
in China are regarded as external debt.
Funds borrowed in foreign currency from abroad by banks with foreign
capital and Chinese and foreign joint banks which are registered in China
are not regarded as external debt.
Article 4
The registration of external debt is divided into two forms:
case-by-case registration and periodic registration.
The "registration certificate for external debt" shall be formulated,
signed and issued by SAEC.
Article 5
Chinese and foreign joint ventures, Chinese and foreign cooperative
enterprises and enterprises with foreign capital are required, while
borrowing, to register at and obtain a case-by-case registration
certificate for external debt from a branch office of SAEC by submitting a
duplicate of the loan agreement to the office within 15 days of the formal
agreement's signature.
In reference to international financial institution loans, foreign
government loans, external borrowing by the Bank of China or other
authorized banks and financial institutions, the borrowing units concerned
are required to register at and obtain a periodic registration certificate
for external debt from a branch office of SAEC. Indirect lending is not
included in the registration mentioned above in this paragraph.
Apart from the borrowing units mentioned above in this article, other
borrowing units are required to register at and obtain a case-by-case
registration certificate for external debt from a branch office of SAEC by
submitting an approval certificate for external borrowing and a duplicate
of the loan agreement to the office within 15 days after the formal
agreement is signed.
Article 6
Borrowing units are required, while transferring their external loan
from other countries to China, to open special foreign cash accounts for
external debts with the Bank of China or other banks authorized by SAEC
(banks) against the registration certificate for external debt. Borrowing
units with approval to keep their external loan abroad and others whose
loan does not have to be transferred into China are required to open
special foreign cash accounts for external debt to cover repayment and
servicing, presenting their registration for external debt.
Banks are not permitted to open special foreign cash accounts for
external debt or special foreign cash accounts for external debt repayment
and servicing and to remit principal and interest abroad for borrowing
units that do not obey the registration certificate provisions.
Article 7
When borrowing units making a case-by-case registration repay and
service their external debts, banks should, upon presentation of both the
registration certificate for external debt and the approval certificate
from concerned offices of SAEC provided by the borrowing units, conduct
receipt and payment operations through the special foreign cash account
for external debt or the special foreign cash account for external debt
repayment and service. The borrowing units are required to fill in, in
accordance with certificates of receipt and payment from banks, a feedback
form on external debt changes with items of receipt and payment and submit
a duplicate of the form to the office of SAEC which signed and issued the
registration certificate for external debt.
The borrowing units making periodic registration are required to
submit monthly materials concerning signatures, withdrawal usage and
repayment and service of external debts to the SAEC offices which signed
and issued the registration certificate for external debt.
Borrowing units with approval to keep their loans abroad are required
to submit periodically the materials covering changes in their deposits to
the concerned office of SAEC that signed the approval.
Article 8
Once borrowing units fully clear their external debts as recorded in
the registration certificate for external debt, banks should cancel the
special foreign cash accounts for external debt or the special foreign
cash accounts for external debt repayment and service of such borrowing
units. The units, in turn, are required to submit the registration
certificate for external debt for cancellation to the local SAEC branch
office within 15 days.
Article 9
The SAEC branch offices are empowered to fine, according to the
circumstances, any unit that violates these regulations in any of the
following ways, by an amount not exceeding 3 per cent of the external debt
A. Purposely not registering or delaying registration for external
B. Refusing to submit, concealing, fraudulently submitting or,
without special cause, repeatedly delaying submitting the feedback form on
external debt changes to SAEC.
C. Forging or altering the registration certificate for external
D. Opening or keeping special foreign cash accounts for external debt
or special foreign cash accounts for external debt repayment and service
without approval.
The body concerned is permitted to lodge an appeal against such an
adjudication with the higher authorities of SAEC.
Article 10
These regulations shall be interpreted by SAEC.
Article 11
These regulations shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
Borrowing units with unclear external debts are required to, register
at local SAEC branch offices within 30 days of the promulgation of these
